I first want to say I have been inspired by many awesome sims
blogs, and recently I discovered the Sim to Sim sites out there.
I have kind of made my Prosperity Hood into a Sim City Society
type game.
(In my own head atleast!)
I am meticulously keeping records of each sim as soon as they
are born, I play in 3 "year" rotations, (days of the week in game)
and I imagine each family is played for a 2 month time period.
Confusing? Yup, a little!
I have 18 families I play now, including a University round.
Each family is played for two "months"so I can change the seasons
with each family more often.
For example, if I'm on Year 3016-3018, which is one rotation,
I will play one family for three days, marking September and
October. This family will celebrate these holidays (or not) for the
first year. Six families get played in each year, so at the end of 3
days play for each house in the neighborhood I assume/imagine
everyone has aged 3 years.
Sounds more complicated than it is, but I have it all figured
out in my head! I am just neurotic about aging up cousins that
were born on the same day, and occasionally celebrating wedding
anniversaries and such.
I'm a geek, who knew? LOL
I have dozens of spreadsheets just to prove what a dork I am,
because I don't use hacks to keep them the same age or in the
correct season.
If I mess up or miscalculate (or move someone into a different
home) I just use the ingame weather machine or the sethour
cheat. Every round also begins at 7 am, but I'm not so neurotic
if something good is happening I'll go a little longer.
So, for example, 7 am Tuesday would begin Year 3016, Wednesday
7 am would begin Year 3017 and Thursday would begin Year 3018.
I would begin each home at 7 am Tuesday, and end the round on
Friday 7 am.
I keep track of this with good old pen and paper, because it changes
so much. I figure out ages at the end of the last round, and how old each
sim should be at the beginning of the next one.
Sorry for being so long winded, it helps me to write this stuff down
too! I am working on figuring out which grade and age I want each
sim to appear tobe in, so I'm still fine tuning that. I know it doesn't
all correlate perfectly time-wise, but it's fun for me and that's all
that matters, right?
Also, I am intending to start rolling for a Random Occurence every
other round, I think. I may break it up into General and Extreme
Occurences, because I enjoy having some that really shake the game
up sometimes. ;)
ETA: I am actually going to attempt keeping score from here on out, as of the end of Year 3015, I have 50 sims, 4 are deceased. The neighborhood net worth totals over $800,000. I have managed to get two IW, 5 sims graduated Summa Cum Laude, 3 shrink visits, one BSOC, one college dropout and one use of the Renu Yu Orb thingy. According to my calculations (50 + 8 + 6 + 5 - 3 + 1 - 1 - 5) I have 61 points. :)
ETA: Ok, as of Year 3019, I have 7 more sims, 4 top of career's, and minus 1 for sim losing a job due to work performance (stupid vampires!) So, the newest total is 71 points.
ETA: At the end of Round 13, end of year 3023, I have 4 more sims, and 2 top of career's. No minuses that I can remember! So, 77 points now.
ETA: At the end of Round 14, end of year 3027, I have 4 more births, (Lina, Susannah, Piper and Adley), plus 2 more new sims from college. (Orlando Bertino and Johnson Zhang. So that's +6. Four TOC's, (Gavin, Lee, Christine and Daniel). +4 more. Plus 3 for 3 platinum sims. Minus one sim due to death. Almost forgot, 3 sims in Uni became Big Sim on Campus, and 7 graduated Summa Cum Laude. 99 points. I think. Heh. I don't feel like figuring out the money just yet. Next time. :)
ETA: At the end of Round 15, end of year 3031, I have two more births, (Zachary and Darren), plus one new sim (Kaylynn). So that's +3. Seven sims reached their TOC (Jessie, Tucker, Maria, Ethan, Belle, Melissa and Karen) +7. Five more sims are platinum, (Maria, Ethan, Belle, Melissa and Karen). So, 15 more points this round, brings me to 114. Go me.
ETA: At the end of Round 16, end of year 3035, my only new points are through new sims. The births of Johnson's twins Babette and Brigette, Jane and Nicholas' son Boyd, Jette and Orlando's daughter Cookie, Dick and Renny's daughter Clarice, and the engagements of Pammy and Helga (to Charles and Richard) bring me 7 more points. The deaths of Sara and Katherine, however, bring me back to 5. So 119 points. OK, another edit. Plus 5 for sims graduating summa cum laude, Millie, Jaden, Carl and Shane all reached their TOC, so that's 4 more. Millie, Jaden and Michael all achieved their LTW's, so that's 3 more. 17 new points brings me to 131. I just realized I haven't been tracking or taking points for hobby plaques, so I will be trying to remember to do that soon. Also, my hood was really messing up, so I had to relocate them all via simpe to a whole new Rainbow Ridge, and I'm working on building up their relationships and friendships all anew. :( Yeah, I can extract them with simpe but any more than that scares and confuses me, hehe. I've been doing it the old-fashioned way, ie the looooong way. *shrugs* Not that anyone pays attention anyway, but my census' and other 'hood information may not be as exact as it was. No biggie. :)