Monday, October 8, 2007

Inn Danger

Playing cards

During my last year at RRU, I had already joined the GH and the SS, my grades were perfect, and I was bored to tears. My sorority sisters and I decided we needed a break from all the monotony.

Checking in

So I booked us all a flight to Twikkii Island!


It was beautiful! Absolutely magical. I heard the locals say sometimes you could find love by tossing a coin in the fountain, so I tried that, just for fun.
Pirate ghost

Then, to take my mind off my (nonexistant) lovelife, we toured the island. Emily and Emem insisted we pillage the captain's cabin of some deserted pirate ship, and we found something alright, we found a ghost!


I admit, Emily is quite photogenic. But her constant begging to have her picture taken was wearing on my nerves.

At the beach

We spent quite a while at the beach, and that's when I noticed him noticing me. Scott LeTourneau.

Inn flirts
Inn and Scott

It just so happened that he was there on spring break too. He's graduating this year, the same as me. We talked for hours and found out we had a lot in common. Not to mention, he's pretty darn cute!

Scott pulls a prank

And I like that he's so serious, like me. Yup, I think this is the beginning of something wonderful, Diary.

Inn learns to walk

Awww, wasn't I cute? That's me, Inn Danger, learning to walk with my Dad, Caulfield. In better times.

Caulfield and Susie cuddle

You see, my Mommy and Daddy used to be so happy and in love. Atleast I thought they were, and they sure looked like it.

Inn as child playing chess

But then I grew up. I'm a big girl now. I go to school and everything!
Susie Danger off to work
My Mommy goes to school too. To work! She's got a very important job there.
Inn as child spying
My Dad is a spy, and sometimes I get into his stuff, even though he tells me not to. I really wish I had listened to him, but being nosey is what I do best!
Caulfield kissing Tracy Lothario

One day I was sneaking around, spying on Dad and I saw something I didn't want to. Guess that's why he didn't want me playing spy. Now it's too late. I saw him kissing that reporter lady, and she stayed all day while my Mommy was at work!

Inn as child, crying

I feel like my whole world is falling apart, and I don't know how to fix it. Should I tell my Mommy what I know? Mommy said little girls shouldn't keep big secrets. But I don't want my family to break apart, either. There's no way Mommy would let Dad get away with that! Oh, I don't know what to do! Maybe I'll think about it and decide when I'm older, like 11!

Inn dances

Wow, my Mommy looks very serious, doesn't she? She's not always like that though, she can really be a lot of fun.

Inn goes on vacation Dangers go on vacation

But when I noticed how stressed out she was, I begged her to let us go away for the holidays this year, and we did!

Inn admires Christmas tree

We went away to my Daddy's lodge for Christmas!

Inn gives Bell gift
Even my big sister Bell was there. I gave her some pretty candles, cause she's all grown up and doesn't play with toys anymore. Except for video games. She loves those.

Dangers have holiday roast

We even had a Holiday Roast, and Mommy didn't burn it this time!

Caulfield jumps in Susie's arms

I'm not mad at my Daddy at all anymore, he spent lots of time making Mommy happy while we were away, I doubt he even thought about that reporter lady once this weekend.

Inn makes snow angel Inn and Bell make snowman

I know I didn't. I had a blast playing in the snow, Bell and I made an awesome snowsim, too!

Dangers enjoy the fire

It was warm and cozy in the cabin, we all sat around the fire and sang Christmas carols.

Susie and Caulfield cuddle
But I'm getting to be a big girl now, and I knew when it was time for me to go upstairs and leave my parents alone. I'm just glad they're together, Mommy doesn't know about that stupid reporter lady friend of Daddy's, and I hope she never does!

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