Thursday, May 15, 2008

Boyd Mullins Journal


Um yeah. So, I used to be a baby, and stuff? My mom was always busy studying witchcraft, I looked just like my dad, and my grandma used to be a Diva, but now ran around in granny panties. Not much to brag about, really.


So, I'm told I finally got out of diapers and stuff. All I remember is going to school and having to do homework all the time. Boring.


But I do remember discovering girls. That was memorable all right!



Well, I had no friends, so when it was time for my latest birthday, it was no big deal. My mom showed up in her undies, my grandmother was really over dressed. No one else showed up at all. I think my birthday wish was for my mom to get dressed, I'm not sure though.



I think I grew up all right. I've decided to Become The Law. That way I can make sims be my friend, whether they want to or not!

1 comment:

  1. Ouch - the anger! I really hope he can have at least ONE friend, or he will be a miserable Pop sim!
