Friday, May 1, 2009

Round 17 Update B

Round 17 Update B (The Randolph Families)
ETA: Helga's Journal and Wedding Album
and Keesha makes it big, her first magazine cover!

Cold Denaro

At the Fairchild's house, Denaro shows just how smart she is by not coming in out of the cold on her own. Some Knowledge sim! Blue looks good on her though, am I right?

Franc and Lina

Franc and Lina plays Sims!

Franc gets all emo playing a serious game with his cousin, Lina. (Lina's mom is Pammy, Jessie's sister) I pan the camera around to see exactly what game he's losing. The Sims 3? Heh. If you can "lose" while playing the sims, I'm in big trouble...

Denaro tries to get bitten

After Denaro thaws out and Franc quits in anger, Denaro tries to get bitten by Bailey before she heads off to college. Although they are good friends by now, it's a no go. Can teens get bitten? Is Denaro just full of fail? *ponders*

Randolph's Smustling

Over at the Pederson abode, a serious smustle session is going on. Kevin Mullins had gotten to be very good friends with Daniel and Maria when they were living in the same apartment building. Maria decided the apartment was too cramped with the addition of Goopy Jr., however, so they moved into a new house, and took her daughter Millie, and Millie's half sister Keesha with her. Renny was just walking by and stopped to smustle with her sisters.(Renny is also Kevin's sister in law, having married his younger brother, Dick. Confused? Me too...)

Robert's Ex Wives

Maria bores Christy

Maria makes a joke about how Christy couldn't have married Robert if she hadn't divorced him first, but Christy didn't think it was funny. She was still in love with Robert when he died, after all. Maria, not so much.

Millie bowls...

Millie falls flat

Mrs. Crumplebottom

I decide to send the romance-minded half sisters on a quest to meet some new, not taken men, and what better place than the bowling alley? Too bad the only interesting character there is Mrs. Crumplebottom, who invariably shows up at wherever the skanky sisters go, and she cheers *mightily* as Millie falls on her face.

Keesha 2

Keesha 3

Keesha 1

Speaking of the skanky sisters, Keesha finally did it, she became Rainbow Ridge's newest Rock God. Goddess? Thank goodness, Benjamin could break a hip nowadays!

Goopy sings

Her little brother Goopy, who recently had his 11th birthday, belts out a tune, trying to reel in the ladies. Alas, everyone in the building was related to him, so it didn't work the way he had hoped.

Helga and Richard's wedding

On to the third, and final Randolph family home, we have a wedding! Helga finally gets the man she's been dreaming of since she was a child. Richard Siew, family man.

Mother of the bride

Always the Family sim, mom Pammy looks on proudly, and maybe a little nostalgically, wishing Gavin were still alive to see this day.

Family Portrait

After having to resort to a few cheats, I finally wrangle the family up to pose for a quick picture. The wedding album will be posted in Helga's journal soon, with pretty pictures thanks to the fabulous builder of To Have and To Hold, sfw1962.


  1. Now I'm curious about whether teens can become werewolves. I just assumed they could; they can be vampires, can't they?

    The wedding picture is beautiful. Those are so hard to get. Looking forward to the album!

  2. Blue does look good on Denaro.

    And BTW I am in awe how you can keep up with all these names and relationships. Simdale is my favorite soap!

  3. Those pictures of Keesha, wow! She looks so sultry. What a rock goddess indeed!

    Now, when you update the character journals, you let up know and link us, right? 'Cause I definitely don't wanna miss wedding pics.

    Your pictures are so interesting to look at. You get unique angles and I love when you layer them like with Pammy's pic right before the group wedding shot.

  4. Now when everybody else is already talking about your good-looking pics of good-looking sims, I must agree - I always loved the eyes of your sims, I guess it's some default replacements?

  5. @ Francesca Dean: I don't know! I assume so, I just fail! LOL And the pictures are so good because of the lot I got, I swear, it is beautiful! Impossible to get a bad wedding picture there.

    @ Mrs. Stuffy: Thanks! I love Simdale too! ;) And I use notebooks to keep track of who's who, I used to have a whole spreadsheet, but I prefer more reliable paper and pen now.

    @ The Lunar Fox: Thanks! And I will definitely post the link, probably later today actually.

    @ jungfrun68: Thanks, although I take no credit in their beauty or lack of nowadays, I have some very unique sims, for sure. Most of the eyes are contacts, no defaults, but some of the second and third generation have their parents custom eyes. If I really hate the maxis eyes I make them put on contacts. :)
    Thanks for stopping by everyone!

  6. Keesha looks great as a rock god!

    Poor Millie - flat on her face with an old bag laughing at her to top it off!

  7. Huh, you can lose at sims. That's not good. Also, I've never seen Mrs. C so lively.

  8. @Sullivan Sims: Thanks, I think so too! Keesha has really grown on me!

    @reksims: I know, I've been so jealous of my sims playing the sims 3 for a while now, but to see them play two players was hilarious. Booing at each other, hehe.
