Thursday, November 15, 2007

Denaro Fairchild Journal


Remember me, Denaro the Neglected? Yeah, I didn't think you would. This summer my life has gotten so crazy, it almost makes me nostalgic for last year, life was pretty normal.


First of all, my Mom has gotten all weird on us. She's taken a job as an Exorcist, of all things, and is always at the cemetery, crying about her late father, Robert.


I had never seen my mother cry over anything but money before.


She brought home this creepy looking thing from work, and mumbled that when she knew enough she would use it to bring back my grandfather. Yeah, told ya she was weird.

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The scary thing is I think she really believes she can do it! She's always studying and reading, more neglectful than she was before, if that's possible.


Another failure in my life is James, our butler. He's pretty much useless, I have to admit.


And speaking of useless; topping that list would be my father's famous Sim Safety Burglar Alarm.


The "alarm" never went off, it's a good thing Dad is such a light sleeper.


Atleast the RRPD does their job right, they arrested the perpetrator and were on their way back to jail within minutes.


But trust me, my life still stinks!!!

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My brother Franc grew up and seems to be as big of a buffoon as our father. They both overheated in this beautiful summer weather, I mean, hello, get a drink of water!

Oh yeah, I grew up too.


The first thing I did was give James a big tip. He may not be the most attentive butler, but he's still my only friend. If I've learned anything from my fortune-minded parents it's that money buys everything.


Oh, and the epitome of my horrendous summer?


Needless to say, I won't be going near that telescope again. I just can't wait until I'm old enough to escape this place and go to college. My life has to get better there!

Denaro grows up

That's me, Denaro the Neglected. Growing up in my pajamas in the bedroom. Daddy came running to see me at the last minute. Mom was nowhere to be found, as usual.

Denaro befriends the butler

As soon as I could, I ran outside to show James. James loves me. I might marry James, one day.

Jessie plays with Franc

For some unexplained reason, Mom likes playing with Franc. Atleast playing with him more than she does with me. Which isn't saying much, really.

Franc gets a birthday party

Even though we're twins, I grew up alone, and Franc got a party.

Franc grows up

With aunts and cousins and friends, and everything!!!

Tucker and Shane

Although Daddy still worked, even at the party. He never stops. Ever.

Jessie plays fetch?

Even my aunt Pammy's dog gets more attention here than I do! I can't wait till my next birthday, I might just run away when I'm big enough!


  1. Awww, poor thing. Her parents better pay attention to her befor it's to late.

  2. Poor thing. Hopefully it will get better. She is such a cute kid.

  3. I'm sure she'll grow up to terrorize her family! If I have anything to say about it, that is! :)

  4. poor kid! look on the bright side, at least that is another scholarship for college!
    She's so cute, but really she can do better than that butler for a hubby

  5. I had no idea she would turn out so pretty, as soon as she blossomed I knew the butler idea had to go, hehe.
