Monday, October 8, 2007

Christy Randolph-Mullins Journal

Christy Inada eats

Wow, what a weird week I've had! When Kevin and I got home from our honeymoon, we found Christy Inada had basically moved into our complex. She's a work friend of our neighbors, but I don't know why she decided to stay and never leave again!

Christy Inada dies.

After we fed her, she came inside to get warm, and then she just died! Right there on my floor!

Everyone mourns.

Even though we barely knew her, we were all obviously distraught.

Christy pleads.

So I took it upon myself to beg Grim to spare her life.

Christy wins!

And he did!
Christy wins 2.

I was so proud of myself! We celebrated, and welcomed Christy to move in with us for a while, to make sure she's alright.

Christy pops.

Later that night it was obvious to everyone what Kevin and I had been up to on our honeymoon!

Christy and Daniel pass out.

Daniel, my neighbor, friend and our new Mayor, passed out right beside me that evening. We had all been through a lot.

Keesha serves cake.

Thankfully Keesha and Renny had gotten a little bit more self-reliant while we were away. Keesha made a fabulous cake to show us how independant she had become.
Christy thinks it smells yummy.

Maybe I was just really hungry, but yum, the cake smelled delicious!
Christy goes into labor.

It seemed like my pregnancy just flew by. Before I knew it I was in labor!
Christy and Kevin hold the twins.

Kevin was there to help me welcome Piper and her twin brother, Adley. I can't believe I have two children going off to college any day now, and now two more in diapers! Thank goodness Kevin is so young, we'll need his energy for those middle of the night feedings!


  1. Cool way to show the wedding. I love how creative you are with your blog. Its not the same old prosperity blog.

  2. I have no idea how you add those special effects to your blog, but way cool.

  3. Thanks Jo, but it's really very easy! If you're talking about the slide show, using photobucket makes it very simple, then you just copy and paste the html code here. Trust me, if I can do it anyone can. LOL

  4. I was meaning the wedding pictures here, but slide shows that click on are cool too. I've been reading a story on LJ which does that and the pictures are so big compared with the tiny ones on the exchange.
    Easy? I've only just gotten the hang of doing a regular post with an LJ cut. o_O *bangs head*

    p.s I signed your GB.
