Monday, October 8, 2007

Daniel Pederson Journal

Daniel remembers Katherine...

My Katherine, my beloved Katherine is gone from this world. I will always remember her with much love, and a great loss. Our scandalous affair may have brought a lot of trouble for me, but it was well worth it, my friend, well worth it.
Daniel and Maria argue 1
Daniel and Maria argue 2

Of course, when Maria heard the news, there was more trouble in store for me. We both knew that Katherine's son, Goopy Jr. was indeed my child. I had to do the right thing, I had to raise the boy myself. Maria, however, didn't agree.

Daniel and Maria hug

Eventually though, she admitted that Goopy GilsCarbo was not the man to raise a Pederson heir. It took her a little while, but she came around.

Daniel talks adoption

Despite losing the greatest love of my life, I was soon on cloud 9, telling anyone who would listen I would be adopting my own son. What a strange world we live in, eh?

Social Worker shows up

It seemed to take forever, but it was only a matter of days before the social worker showed up. After all, the Mayor and the General have a lot of pull in a small town like this.

Maria hugs Goopy

And Maria was a trouper, she gave Goopy Jr. a warm hug, welcoming him to the family. I am so proud I could just burst.

Daniel poses with Goopy

Just look at him. A chip off the old block, if I do say so myself. He's got his mother's eyes though, quite haunting, I'll admit.

Daniel drinks

After the novelty of being a father wore off, my real depression sunk in. I just missed Katherine, so much.

Daniel pleads with Jessie
Jessie listens to Daniel

So I thought about my options. As a public figure, there was only so much I could do. However, Maria's daughter Jessie had recently gotten involved in a strange cult. Maria is intent on closing down this group of sims, but I was rather intrigued when I found out what they claimed they could do. They claim to be able to raise the dead! Imagine that! Maria says it's all nonsense, but Jessie believes it with all her heart. So today I poured my heart out to her, and begged her to bring back my Katherine. She listened to my pleas, but hasn't answered me one way or the other yet. Well, for the time being, atleast I have hope. That's more than I had yesterday.

Daniel watches boxing

Have I mentioned how empty I feel? Maria took my life away from me when she took Katherine. The light has gone out of my life. I'm an empty shell. An empty man.

Maria works on charisma

All she cares about is her darn Military career. Oooh, look at me, I'm a Senior Officer! Well, not for long, if I have anything to say about it.

Butler fixes computer

I thought I had a great idea. I "influenced" Sabastian, our Butler, to repair our broken computer...


...just moments after I asked him to serve dinner. Hmmph.

Firetruck and Fireman
Maria was upstairs asleep. Guess I forgot about the alarms in all new apartments in Rainbow Ridge. All the stupid sirens woke her up.

Daniel poisons Vicki

My next tactic wasn't quite so dramatic. Maria is working hard, trying to pull strings whenever she can to make it to the top of her career. I may have mistakenly called her coworker Vicki Shin to dinner, knowing full well the meal was going to make her ill.

Vicki looks worried

I would have felt bad, but eh, I'm a desperate man. If I'm going to be miserable, so is my darling wife.

Maria gets home from work

Curses! Somehow she managed to get promoted to Commander. That woman just ends up on top, no matter how hard I try to bring her down. If I wasn't a Senator myself, one step away from finally becoming Mayor, I'd leave her. But she has a lot of friends. I need her. For now, atleast.


Ok, Ok Daniel. Take deep breaths! Geesh, have I ever mentioned that my wife Maria scares me? I mean, look at her! She has my "boys" in her purse, and she knows it! Heck, she has everyone's "boys" in her purse. But it's mine I'm worried about, at the moment.


If it wasn't for this picture taken by those darn tabloid writers, I wouldn't be worried for my very life today!


Just look at her. A gorgeous, charismatic red head, who wouldn't fall for that?
I'm like putty in her hands. I have no control, and I really didn't care who knew. Or saw. Or watched.

At the risk of sounding all hokey, I really do love her. Katherine, that is. I love my wife too, but Katherine makes my knees turn to jelly.


But I need my wife. All I've ever wanted in life is to become the Mayor of a small town like Rainbow Ridge. I've worked my way up and I'm nearly there! Who in their right mind would vote for a creepy guy like Count Guevara? I am the right man for the job, and everyone knows it! So what if I had a brief...indescretion. It's time to call that press conference and begin damage control. Maria is acting calm, and that scares me. Really scares me.

I need her by my side long enough to get elected. "Ladies and Gentlemen, I repeat: I did not have relations with that woman!

1 comment:

  1. The higher they get the harder they fall...
    He should be careful - it might come right back at him!
