Sunday, October 7, 2007

Katherine Mullins Journal


Well, well, well. I have had quite an eventful year, and quite a successful New Year's Eve party, if I do say so myself!


I snagged some local celebrities, Rockstar Benjamin Phillips and his fiance, Chef Christine Marsh. They lived downstairs from me for years, but I didn't know they would one day be worth speaking to!

Nosy reporter

Heck, I even managed to get that smarmy Channel 2 news reporter, Tracy Lothario, to be here. She tried to act innocuous, but I know her eyes and ears are always open for gossip.


Of course, since it was THE EVENT of the year, the Mayor himself, my former amour was there, as well. I am still slightly attracted to him, but I didn't want him to see that. I played the part of the Diva that I am.


I don't know if it was the amount of drinking I did that night...


...or just seeing my son with his real father, but I opened a can of worms, for sure.


Of course, the Mayor brought his old haggard wife along, the soon-to-be General Pederson. So I called her out to the balcony to see something.


And then I may have "coached" my son to introduce himself to the nice lady. Am I above using my own flesh and blood to cause a little dissension in a former lover's marriage? Absolutely not.


She actually took the news better than I had hoped she would.


But much to my amusement, Daniel still let her know how he really feels about her, hehe.


Yes, Karen and I had good laugh over that, just like old times!


All in all, another fabulous bash, hosted by yours truly. Honestly, I didn't expect any less. Anyway, back to me...Am I still beautiful? Yes, yes, I am.

Katherine works out

So, it turns out the life of a Diva isn't all I thought it would be. Heh.

Katherine changes diapers

I have to admit though, being a Mommy isn't so bad!

Katherine potty trains Goopy Jr.

Not that I was disappointed when Goopy Jr. got out of diapers!

Goopy Jr on the potty
Despite his name, my little boy looks a lot like Daniel. I hope they never cross paths. Well, even if they do, Daniel isn't the brightest bulb, so I'm sure it won't be a problem.

Goopy has no class

Not that Goopy is a prize, either.

Goopy tips Lucy

He's hardly Daddy material, handing over fistfulls of cash to the cute little maid. I'm onto him. I just don't care.

Goopy makes toys

I suppose he has some perks. A toy making badge will surely come in handy with a child in the house.

Goopy poses

If only he wasn't so...corny. But then he wouldn't be Goopy, now would he?

Katherine primps

Am I still beautiful?

Katherine preens

Oh phew! Yes, I'm still beautiful, thank goodness. Nothing changed while I was at work!

Michael wants peace

Except that darn two timing Kevin came home for dinner! Shouldn't he be playing house with that hussie Christy Randolph? Ugh, all Michael talked about was how much he wants peace in the family. Sigh. I know what I have to do.
Katherine apologizes

Oh, how I hope they realize this goes against my very nature! Divas do not act, ick... I can't even say it....humble.

Katherine and Kevin fight

Heh, peace smeace. No one can say I didn't try!

Katherine gets her butt kicked

Uh oh, this isn't going to end well, is it?

Kevin wins fight

Harrumph! Well, there's only one solution, short of murder, anyway.

Katherine moves out

I am so outta here! Off to new adventures I go, and hopefully, new men, as well.

Katherine chooses apartment

Well, world, here I am! Out of the Mullins' family homestead and into my very own penthouse suite. Where I belong.

Katherine arrives at apartments

Now for my next adventure! I need some excitement, I need a new man.


Mr. Assemblyperson Daniel Pederson, Mayoral candidate. Perfect. I can kill two birds with one stone this way, if I'm very careful.

At MicroHotel

Puh, he was almost too easy. And desperate. A public servant like himself should not have fallen so easily into my trap. Imbecile.

Katherine reads the headlines

It didn't hurt that I called my old friend, Tracy Lothario and gave her a few "inside secrets". Tipping off the press as to where we would be was my coup de grace, if I do say so myself. It was all over the news within hours. I was all over the news.

Katherine kisses Daniel

I kept our love affair going for a while longer, just so that he wouldn't suspect me later on. Who knows when I may need an Assemblyperson in my pocket, so to speak? No need to burn any bridges. Yet.

Katherine and Karen laugh

But alone, away from prying eyes and photographers, my dear friend Karen and I shrieked with laughter, rejoicing in getting Daniel knocked off his political pedestal.

Katherine hugs Karen

After all, she is family, my former daughter-in-law, as a matter of fact. She's always wanted to become a Criminal Mastermind. She's worked hard to integrate The Family, and they have finally begun to trust her. Who knows, she may take over completely one day! But that would never have transpired if Mr. Pederson had been elected Mayor. He had made it his mission to come down hard on The Family. I couldn't let that happen.

Katherine throws up

But this? This I had not planned on.

Goopy poses

I did not want to be tied to that man forever, once the headlines died down and the reporters lost interst in the story, what was in it for me? Nothing really. Or so I thought. Apparently I would have a reminder after all! So I needed a new man. A substitute Daddy.

Katherine looks confused

But what did I get myself into? Goopy GilsCarbo is such a cad. In retrospect I realize I should have looked around further, been a little more particular, perhaps, but I was anxious to wrap up the whole Pederson scandal thing and move on.

Katherine with baby Goopy

Despite all the trouble, this little darling, my precious Goopy Jr., will have a magnificent life. I will see to it. He will want for nothing, and Daniel Pederson will not even enter into his subconscious. Ever.


  1. Oh, how Katherine reminds me of Scarlett O'Hara (just recently saw Gone with the wind again), such a calculating little bitch! :)

  2. LOL That's a perfect comparison! I love it!

  3. Whew this woman is really something! She is definitely a diva
