Saturday, May 17, 2008

Round 17 University

University Round 17

Group Round 17

This is the gang! Jessie (Randolph) Fairchild's twins Franc and Denaro, Tricia (Mullins) Jung's twins Carl and Andrea, Joshua Mullin's daughter Selene, and Fame Marsh, the daughter of the Rock God, Benjamin and the Celebrity Chef Christine Marsh.

Carl and Andrea get down

Carl thinks he's cool, but he's not. Not even a tiny bit! Andrea is just temporarily awkward, there's hope for her.

Denaro wants some Carl

Denaro still has some self esteem issues, as she shows by hitting on Carl. Sadly, she's just one in a loooong line.

Photobooth crowd

Speaking of lines! The teens took an innocent trip to Le Park, and all of a sudden this crowd forms at the photobooth...

Carl and Selene post woohoo

At first, I was just slightly annoyed, I knew he wouldn't stay faithful and I hated the thought of all those fights. But then I remembered they were cousins. His mother and her father are sister and brother. Or, they were in the original neighborhood, I cloned them all in SimPe, and I obviously didn't connect all the family ties! Heh.

Fame serves cake

Anywho...The oh-so-nice Fame absolutely revels in her position at the Greek House as the self appointed dorm mother. She happily bakes fattening desserts to follow their equally fattening diet of free pizzas. It's no wonder the coach is always there, nagging at them to get rid of that "freshman fifteen".

Denaro eats away her pain

Denaro finds an outlet for her inner pain. Yes Franc, that is her third piece, what of it? He wisely keeps his mouth shut.

Toga party dancing

Their first toga party and they invite Selene's little brother, Darren. He can't wait to get to college, what teenager wouldn't jump at the chance to smustle with sexy co-eds? This is when I first noticed Franc and Fame noticing each other.

Franc and Fame dance kiss

One sexy dance kiss later and they were in love! Carl is still not cool.

Carl  makes out with Melissa
But he obviously has something going on that I don't see! Not that it's difficult to catch the attention of our "alluring" Melissa!

Carl gets "arrested"
She showed up for what she thought was going to be a booty call, but it was just plain old bad timing. Carl was being carted off to the Secret Society. Shhhhhh.

Melissa entertains herself
Simple minded Melissa easily occupied herself while he was away, though! *mental note to get the poor broad some sexier granny panties, asap!

Denaro slaps Carl
Oh snap! When Carl comes back and "seals the deal" with Melissa, Denaro goes ballistic. She gave him the best back rub of his life, how could he not stay loyal to her?!
Denaro's bi**h  face
Denaro has a bi**h face like no other, but don't let her fool you. This was temporary insanity, apparently. Minutes later she was following him around like a love sick puppy. The poor girl.

Selene moves on
Meanwhile, Selene isn't being loyal to Carl, either. She is taking full advantage of her time alone at the Shhhhhhh Secret Society to "smooth talk" whomever will listen.

Franc plays kicky bagDon
Fame's vow of purity makes poor Franc need some kind of outlet, so kicky bag it is! All. The. Time.
Fame and Franc just "relax"
They tried to look all nonchalant, but they were both nearly in aspiration failure. So... I gave in. Just this once!

Selene and Carl make up!
Oopsie, looks like love is in the air. Again. Nasty romance sims! I have cute cousins too, but still. We have boundaries!

Andrea takes pics
Yeah, Andrea is still here. She never found a guy she was interested in, it was just learn, learn, learn. I think she just prefers to be a spectator. Or maybe she's gathering evidence to use against her brother's many conquests? We'll see.

One more update before Sims 3, my Hippie family is uprooted and flees to Rainbow Ridge. Cool, man.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Round 17 Years 36-42

Update A (The Marsh Families)
Update B (The Randolph Families)
Update C (The Boyd Families)

Darren Mullins

Boyd Mullins Journal


Um yeah. So, I used to be a baby, and stuff? My mom was always busy studying witchcraft, I looked just like my dad, and my grandma used to be a Diva, but now ran around in granny panties. Not much to brag about, really.


So, I'm told I finally got out of diapers and stuff. All I remember is going to school and having to do homework all the time. Boring.


But I do remember discovering girls. That was memorable all right!



Well, I had no friends, so when it was time for my latest birthday, it was no big deal. My mom showed up in her undies, my grandmother was really over dressed. No one else showed up at all. I think my birthday wish was for my mom to get dressed, I'm not sure though.



I think I grew up all right. I've decided to Become The Law. That way I can make sims be my friend, whether they want to or not!