End of Round 15, Years 3028-3031 NEW March 17, 2009
Denaro Fairchild ~Denaro the Neglected (Still)
Kaylynn Boyd ~Kaylynn gets hitched and gives birth!
Rose Charmers ~Rose and Carl's Wedding Album
Jaden Boyd ~Jaden graduates college, and falls in love!
Keesha Randolph ~Keesha graduates from RRU.
Dick Mullins ~Dick starts a new life as an adult.
Katherine Mullins ~The Diva throws the party of the year.
Benjamin Phillips ~The Rockstar gets his first stalker.
Emem Ngai ~Girls and Aliens!
Susie Danger ~Family trip to the Orient.
Kevin Mullins ~Married, with children.
Tricia Jung ~Happy Holidays
Renny Mullins ~Love and Marriage
Jane Boyd ~Witches and Weddings
Christine Marsh becomes Le Cook ~Story on Channel 2 Action News
Tracy Lothario ~Check out new Gossip blog: "Daily Fuel"
Movie Idol Ethan Boyd's new movie trailer here.
Pammy Menon opens her new pet kennel, Stay Safe Kennels.
Jaden Boyd updates the Creative Arts Club, and buys "Dance!"
Camp Chipara is up and running, waiting for your call!
New Channel 2 Action News story here.
New Rainbow Ridge Times pages here.
Weekly updates and announcements(births and birthdays) here.
New Town Council Members here.
Check out our new pages: Sims who make the cover here, and the gossip blog "Daily Fuel".
Rainbow Ridge University Graduates:
New baby announcements:
Backstory Balancing Act
21 hours ago