Tracy is the town reporter for Channel 2 Action News, as well as her v-blog The Daily Dish. She is married to Don Lothario, and she is the unofficial spokesman for Rainbow Ridge, thanks to her big mouth and nosiness. Michael is married to Karen, and father to Susie Danger, Tricia Jung, Joshua Mullins, Kevin Mullins, Dick Mullins and Jane Mullins. He is also grandfather to Inn Danger, Carl, Andrea, Robby and Shane Jung, Selene, Sabrina(Ngai) and Darren Mullins, Piper and Adley Mullins, Clarice Mullins, and Boyd Mullins. He retired as a Dance Video Star as soon as he became platinum when his sixth child married. His father, Thomas, was married to the Diva Katherine when he passed away. Karen is a retired Criminal Mastermind. Married to Michael, they share two children, Dick and Jane, and Michaels four children from a previous relationship. Karen is a proud grandmother to Clarice Mullins and Boyd Mullins. She was best friends with the recently murdered Katherine. Together they ran the very popular Diva's Cafe. Katherine, the Diva, is deceased. She left one son, Goopy Jr. who now lives with his father Daniel Pederson. (The Mayor). Her murder is currently under investigation. Goopy is a Romance sim who is currently living with and continually Dream Dating Victoria Boyd. (She is on a mission for 50!) He was briefly involved with the Diva, Katherine, and thought he was the father of her son, Goopy Jr. (He was not, it was the Mayor, Daniel Pederson). Goopy Jr., son of the late Katherine Mullins, was recently adopted by his biological father Daniel Pederson and his wife Maria. He has a plan for a vendetta against those responsible for his mother's murder. Kevin is a Family sim just waiting to celebrate his Golden Anniversary. He's been married to Christy for many years, works part time in the Dance career field, and helps raise his children, Piper and Adley. He is very close to his father Michael, and most of his sisters and brothers. Christy Stratton married Robert Randolph in Year 3004, shortly after he divorced Maria. They had twins Keesha and Renny, and then Robert passed away. She then married Kevin Mullins after he dropped out of college in 3021, and had her second set of twins, Adley and Piper. She's a Family sim, working in the Education field. Keesha is the daughter of Christy Stratton Randolph Mullins and the late Robert Randolph. Her twin sister is Renny Mullins, her half siblings are Jessie Fairchild, Millie Randolph and Pammy Lillard. She is our current Rock God! In her spare time, she enjoys hitting on anything that walks, along with her like-minded sister, Millie. Dick is the son of Michael and Karen Mullins. His twin sister is Jane, who is married to Nicholas II. His other (half) siblings are Tricia Jung, Susie Danger, Kevin Mullins and Joshua Mullins. He achieved his LTW of having 20 simultaneous best friends while in college, and now spends his time caring for wife Renny and new daughter Clarice. He is trying to save money to build a new place Downtown and wants to call it Party Central. Renny is the child of Robert Randolph and Christy Stratton Randolph Mullins. Her twin sister is Keesha, her older half-sisters are Jessie Fairchild, Millie Randolph, and Pammy Menon Lillard. She is married to Dick Mullins and has one daughter, infant Clarice. She is a Popularity sim working her way up the Culinary career track. Jane is the twin of Dick, and daughter of Michael and Karen Mullins. (Her older half-siblings are Tricia Jung, Joshua Mullins, Kevin Mullins and Susie Danger) She is married to Nicholas Boyd II, mother to Boyd, and working on becoming a good witch. She's a very outgoing Knowledge sim. Boyd is the son of Jane Mullins and Nicholas Boyd II. His grandparents are Michael and Karen Mullins, and Ethan and Belle Boyd. His maternal great grandfather was Thomas Mullins, paternal great grandfather is Caulfield Danger. John is the town's first die hard romance sim. He came to town with his teenaged sons Ethan and Nicholas, and toddler daughter Shelley. Later he moved in Melissa Fancey and they had a son, Jaden. Jaden recently gave birth to his first child, son Mauli. John's other grandchildren are Nicholas II and Victoria Boyd, Sabrina Mullins (Ngai), Jette Boyd, and his great grandchildren are Zuri Ngai and Boyd Mullins. He is also close to his step grandchildren Selene and Darren Mullins, and to Jaden's step children Babette and Brigette. John also has the honor of recently becoming Rainbow Ridge's first plant sim! Melissa is a retired Professional Party Guest, who loves to garden in her spare time. She is the first in the neighborhood to receive the Wishing Well from the Gardening Club. Her only child Jaden lives with her and John, along with Jaden's husband Johnson and their three children. She recently achieved her second LTW by woohooing 20 sims. Jaden is a World Class Ballet Dancer, and father to son Mauli. He is happily married to Johnson Zhang, and together they raise their children while helping out his elderly parents. He is the proud owner of Rainbow Ridge's newest hotspot Dance!
Maria Randolph Pederson is the current General. She was previously married to Robert Randolph, and they had 3 daughters together; Jessie Fairchild, Millie Randolph and Pammy Menon Lillard. After much soul searching Maria graciously took Goopy Jr. into her home, and is a kind, loving mother to him. Her grandchildren are Franc and Denaro Fairchild, and Helga and Lina Menon. Hannah is the daughter of the late Emily Marsh, sister to Christine, Lee, and the late Sara Ngai. She is married to Dickson Danaher, who is in love with another man, and she is the mother to teenaged Susannah. She is a frustrated Romance sim, who writes an advice column for the Rainbow Ridge Times, and runs The Lonely Hearts Club, an online dating service. Dickson is an in-the-closet gay Romance sim, who married Hannah out of duty and wants out of his marriage to be free with his boyfriend, Craig. He wants 20 simultaneous lovers, but instead spends his days in the gardens, growing food for the entire Marsh clan who live in his home. He is the father of Susannah, and teaches the hula to anyone and everyone in his spare time.
Susie Danger is the daughter of Michael Mullins. She is married to long time philanderer Caulfield Danger. They have one child, daughter Inn. Susie is the town's Education Minister. Her siblings are Tricia Jung, Joshua Mullins, Dick Mullins, Jane Mullins, and Kevin Mullins. Inn recently graduated from Rainbow Ridge University and plans on getting engaged soon. She is an extremely outgoing and nice Knowledge sim, whose LTW is to become a Game Designer. She currently lives with her parents, Caulfield and Susie in an apartment Downtown. Ethan is the son of John Boyd, and the brother of Nicholas, Shelley and Jaden. He is Rainbow Ridge's first Icon, and starred in Big Foot Lives! He married his college sweetheart, Belle Danger, and they have two children, Nicholas II and Victoria. The happily married couple are now grandparents to Boyd Mullins, and see him often. Belle is the daughter of Caulfield Danger. She is a retired Game Designer and owner of Belle's Pottery Shop. She is the mother of Nicholas II and Victoria, and grandmother of Boyd Mullins. She's pretty shy and keeps to herself for the most part. Rose is a Family sim who married Nicholas right after college. She soon had an affair with the neighbor and left Nicholas and their daughter Jette for a life on her own. After living the single life for a while she again settle down, this time with Carl Charmers, a Show Biz Icon. She became the new Education Minister when Susie Danger retired, and is also a grandmother to Jette's daughter Cookie. Carl is a shy Knowledge sim who somehow managed to become an Icon. He is married to Rose and they are helping to raise Rose's granddaughter Cookie, who lives with them in a cottage out in the country. He has no idea that his wife is still in love with her ex-lover, Julien Cooke. Millie is the oldest daughter of the late Robert Randolph and Maria Pederson. She is a lifelong romance sim, who recently became a Prestidigitator after successfully woohooing 20 different sims. She lives with her half sister Keesha and together they plan to "woo" the world. She is also close with her sisters Pammy and Jessie and her many neices and nephews. She has no plans to repopulate the sim earth with her own offspring, however. Charles met Pammy back in college, they got reacquainted recently and quickly married. He is a Family sim who wants to become Rainbow Ridge's next Captain Hero. Helga is the daughter of the late Gavin Menon and Pammy Randolph Menon Lillard. She has been friends with Richard Siew her entire life, and they recently got married and are expecting their first child. Helga is an outgoing Knowledge sim (having rerolled from Romance in college) and wants to become the Chief of Staff. Her only sibling is sister Lina. Richard is a playful Taurus Family sim, married to Helga, and wants to graduate three children from college. He lives with his in-laws, helps out with the kennels, and is currently working in the music field for extra money.
Tucker is Rainbow Ridge's current Hall of Famer. He is married to Jessie, and father to Franc and Denaro. Most of his time is spent at his many businesses, he is well known for not taking no for an answer. He runs the gym No Pain, No Gain, and recently bought Fairchild Appliances. He is looking forward to his children entering RRU in the fall. Denaro is the completely outgoing daughter of power couple Jessie and Tucker Fairchild. She is a Knowledge sim on her way to college, hoping to become the Chief of Staff. She has one brother, Franc. Her maternal grandmother is Maria Pederson, her cousins are Helga, Lina, and Cookie. She hasn't had a boyfriend yet, but somehow has made friends with most of the teens in the neighborhood. Franc is the sweet, friendly Pleasure sim son of Jessie and Tucker Fairchild. His high school sweetheart is Andrea Jung, they are headed off to college together very soon. Donte is a serious Family sim, waiting for his LTW to have six grandchildren someday. He is slowly working his way up the Law Enforcement track, and is very in love with his wife, Tricia. They have four kids, teens Carl and Andrea, and school aged Robby and Shane. Donte doesn't know that his wife harbors a crush on the newly widowed Roger Ngai, he is always busy when he's not working, trying to get that gold toy making badge. Tricia is a bored housewife, a Family sim married to Donte, mother of four. She has been thinking of rekindling a fling with college sweetheart Roger Ngai, and works out endlessly on her exercise equipment. Her father is Michael Mullins, her siblings are Joshua Mullins, Susie Danger, Jane Boyd, Dick Mullins and Kevin Mullins. She has more neices and nephews than I care to list.
Shane is a Media Magnate, after many years of hard work. He is the local reporter for the Rainbow Ridge Times, and spokesman for the Sims United Neighborhoods. (SUN). He is married to Captain Hero Lee Ma. Roger is a serious and mean Family sim, who only wanted to reach his Golden Anniversary. Sadly that didn't happen, as his wife Sara died while watching the sky one day. They have two grown children, Emem and Emily who both live with him, as well as Emem's new wife Sabrina and son Zuri. Sara was a Family sim hoping to marry off six children. Much like Tricia Jung, Sara was restless and often tried to entice the mailman by lounging around in the yard in her undies. She often day dreamed of other men, but nothing ever came of it, probably because she died so young. She is the mother of Emem and Emily, and never got to meet her first grandchild, Zuri. Her sisters are Hannah Danaher, Lee Ma, and Christine Marsh. Emily is an outgoing, grouchy Romance sim trying to become a Professional Party Guest. She's also a neat freak, and very active, she literally runs around the house cleaning up after everyone. Her mother Sara recently passed away, father Roger walks aimlessly around the house, and her brother Emem is a new husband and father. She is best friends with cousins Fame Marsh and Susannah Marsh Danaher. Contessa Maureen is a bloodthirsty Pleasure sim, married to Count Leo. Together they own A Slaughtered Lamb, an Irish pub, and they have taken the life of quite a few sims already. Count Leo is the buffoonish sidekick of the mastermind, Contessa Maureen. His friendly, charming ways help the couple make friends who mistakenly trust them. He lives with Maureen in a creepy castle high on a hill. |
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